Touch & Collect for visitors

Smart badge technology - What is a smart badge?

To summarise: a smart badge is an intelligent visitor badge. It enables visitors and exhibitors to exchange contact details and information digitally.

Information about Touch & Collect

What are the requirements? As soon as you touch an exhibitor’s reader on the stand with your smart badge, you collect information digitally. At the end of your visit, you will receive an e-mail from Easyfairs. This contains your trade fair summary: a list of all exhibitors whose reader you have touched. You can now easily call up all the data that these exhibitors have uploaded in their online profile using individual links. By touching the reader, you also let the exhibitor concerned know that you are interested in their products and that they can contact you. A digital exchange of business cards therefore takes place. You avoid costs and conserve resources Simply enter your contact details when registering visitors. Pay particular attention to entering your e-mail address correctly. This is a basic requirement for us to be able to send you detailed information on ‘your’ exhibitors at the end of the trade fair day. What are your advantages? With the help of your smart badge, you can easily and digitally collect information from all exhibitors. You get access to product descriptions, images, videos and even job vacancies. There is no need to collect countless brochures and catalogues.You can then share all the information digitally with colleagues. If an exhibitor is not at the stand or is busy with another visitor, you would have to go round again in the past.Thanks to smart badge technology, you can now still obtain information directly from the exhibitor – simply by touching the reader. At the end of your day at the fair, you will receive an e-mail from Easyfairs. This contains a list of all exhibitors with whom you have touched the reader. This automatically provides you with a complete summary of your day at the fair – including all the detailed information on each exhibitor. What happens to your data? Easyfairs will not pass on the personal data you provide when you register. We only use it to inform you about our current and future events. This data is only transmitted to exhibitors if you touch the exhibitor’s reader with your visitor badge or have registered via an exhibitor’s invitation code or link. By doing so, you are signalling to us and the exhibitor that you are interested in the exhibitor receiving your data for contact purposes.If you do not wish this to happen, please do not touch a reader with your badge or use one of the opt-out options afterwards.Easyfairs takes the protection of your personal data very seriously.For more details, please take a look at our Privacy Policy and our General Terms and Conditions.

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Über den Veranstalter

Easyfairs organisiert Events, die Communities unter dem Motto „Visit the future“ zusammenbringen.

Wir veranstalten derzeit 200 Events in 14 Ländern und betreiben 8 eigene Messegelände in Belgien, den Niederlanden und Schweden.

Unser Ziel ist es, das Geschäftsleben unserer Kunden zu vereinfachen und den Return on Investment für professionelle Communities durch unsere All-in-Formate, fortschrittliche Technologien und einen kundenzentrierten Ansatz zu erhöhen.

Unsere digitalen Formate und Initiativen bieten unseren Communities hervorragende Möglichkeiten, sich effektiv zu vernetzen und das ganze Jahr über Geschäfte zu machen.

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